Scoring of outcomes considered relevant by the World Health Organization convened guideline development group for the evidence review for the 2020 update on multidrug/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (TB) treatment

Outcomes (as outlined in the scoping proposal)Rating
Survival (or death)8.33
Relapse-free cure8.22
Bacteriological cure by end of treatment8.19
Successful completion of treatment (or lack of successful completion)7.96
Treatment failure or relapse7.93
Adherence to treatment (or treatment interruption due to nonadherence)7.48
Acquisition (amplification) of drug resistance7.33
Adverse events from anti-TB medicines7.19

Relative importance was rated on an incremental scale, as follows. 1–3 points: not important for making recommendations; 4–6 points: important, but not critical for making recommendations; 7–9 points: critical for making recommendations on the evaluated interventions.