Multidimensional assessment of traits and trait identification markers

TraitTrait identification marker
 Airflow limitationFEV1/FVC ratio <70% and FEV1 <80% predicted
 Airway inflammation (eosinophilic)Sputum eosinophils ≥3%
 Airway inflammation (neutrophilic)Sputum neutrophils ≥61%
 Frequent chest infection≥2 courses of antibiotics for an exacerbation of chest symptoms
 Pathogen colonisationPresence of a recognised bacterial pathogen in sputum
 Mucus hypersecretionVolume ≥25 mL of mucus produced daily for the past week in the absence of an infection
 Oxygen desaturationOxygen saturation levels of <90% during 6MWT
 DyspnoeaDyspnoea score ≥2, modified Medical Research Council scale
 Systemic allergic inflammationSerum IgE level ≥76 IU·mL−1 (prescribed according to PBS guidelines (supplementary table S1)
 Dysfunctional breathingNijmegen score ≥23
 AnaemiaHb <120 g·L−1 for females, <140 g·L−1 for males
 Systemic inflammationhsCRP ≥3 mg·L−1
 Daytime sleepinessEpworth sleep score >8
 ObesityBMI ≥30 kg·m−2
 Depression and/or anxietyHospital Anxiety and Depression scale (≥8 on anxiety and/or depression subscale)
 Significant medical historyPatient self-reported other medical conditions
 Cardiac historyPatient self-reported cardiac conditions
 Vocal cord dysfunctionVocal cord dysfunction questionnaire: total score ≥5 is positive for laryngeal dysfunction
Risk factors and behavioural traits
 Absence of written action planPatient does not possess written action plan or does not use the prescribed plan during exacerbations
 Exercise toleranceDistance of <350 m on 6MWT
 Bone density
  OsteopeniaT-score between −1.0– −2.5
  OsteoporosisT-score ≤−2.5
 SmokingAdmit to smoking or exhaled carbon monoxide ≥10 ppm
 SarcopeniaAppendicular skeletal muscle mass index <7.26 kg·m−2 for males and <5.45 kg·m−2 for females
 Inhaler device polypharmacyNumber of inhaler devices is ≥3
 Inadequate inhaler device techniqueInhaler technique rated as inadequate
 NonadherenceReported use of <80% of prescribed treatment

FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; 6MWT: 6-min walk test; PBS: Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme; Hb: haemoglobin; hsCRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; BMI: body mass index.