Results from mixed-effects regression models for marijuana smokers and tobacco smokers showing the longitudinal lung function decline (adjusted for pack-years or joint-years and other covariates) shown as rate of change in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)

Predictor variablesSubjects nRate of change in FEV1 mL·year−1
β-coefficient (95% CI)Absolute change
Model 1
 Never-smokers (reference)482−10.75−10.75
 Marijuana smoking joint-years groups
  >0–156−7.28 (−17.95–3.40)−18.03
  >1–572−16.51 (−33.18–0.17)−27.26
  >5–20632.12 (−9.55–13.78)−8.63
  >2051−29.45 (−46.58– −12.32)*−40.20
Model 2
 Never-smokers (reference)482−11.20−11.20
 Tobacco smoking pack-years groups
  >0–1592.22 (−15.67–20.10)−8.98
  >1–5651.22 (−9.88–12.32)−9.98
  >5–20207−6.78 (−15.37–1.80)−17.98
  >20439−21.13 (−27.46– −14.81)*−32.33
Model 3
 Never-smokers (reference)482−11.46−11.46
 Heavy marijuana smoking (>20 joint-years)
  Current34−30.91 (−53.56– −8.27)*−42.37
  Former17−27.10 (−51.78– −2.42)*−38.56
Model 4
 Never-smokers (reference)482−9.74−9.74
 Heavy tobacco smoking (>20 pack-years)
  Current272−40.32 (−51.54– −29.11)*−50.06
  Former167−8.42 (−14.33– −2.51)*−18.16

The β-coefficient for each smoking subgroup/category is the mean rate of change of FEV1 relative to (compared with) the reference (never-smokers of either tobacco or marijuana). The absolute rate of decline for the smoking subgroup is therefore β-coefficient of the subgroup added to the rate of decline of the reference (never-smoker); for example, in model 1, the absolute change for marijuana smokers of >20 joint-years is the sum of −29.45 and −10.75, that is −40.20 mL·year−1. In model 2, the absolute change for tobacco smokers of >20 pack-years is −32.33 mL·year−1, and so on for models 3 and 4. *: significantly different compared with that of never-smokers of either marijuana or tobacco, p<0.05.