Population demographic and clinical data

Age years69 (62–77)
Male sex177 (53.5%)
Smoking status: smoker172 (52.0%)
Smoking status: ex-smoker138 (41.7%)
Smoking status: never-smoker21 (6.3%)
Smoking history (for smokers/ex-smokers) pack-years36 (23–50)
Asbestos exposure77 (23.3%)
Personal history of cancer56 (16.9%)
Family history of lung cancer58 (17.5%)
Body mass index kg·m−225 (22.1–28.4)
Education level: less than high school graduate283 (85.5%)
Ethnicity: white322 (97.3%)
Ethnicity: Asian5 (1.5%)
Ethnicity: black3 (0.9%)
Ethnicity: Hispanic1 (0.3%)

Data are presented as medians with interquartile ranges or n (%).