Cost-effectiveness of treatments for pleural infection at 12 months

Incremental costs EUR (95% CI)Incremental life-years (95% CI)Incremental cost-effectiveness ratioProbability of intervention being cost-effective#
t-PA3357 (−335–8114)0.019 (−0.025–0.062)EUR 178 1660.12
Placebo2878 (−4280–10 874)−0.019 (−0.061–0.020)t-PA both more effective and less costly0.03
DNase4373 (−6700–15 940)−0.045 (−0.116–0.016)t-PA both more effective and less costly0.001

t-PA: tissue plasminogen activator. #: assuming a cost-effectiveness threshold of GBP 30 000 (EUR 34 220) per life-year gained.