New understanding in the treatment of cough (NEUROCOUGH): future objectives

Future objectives for NEUROCOUGHHow will NEUROCOUGH achieve this?Anticipated output for NEUROCOUGH
Improve understanding of the nature, characteristics and burden of cough as a clinical problem in primary careUndertake a retrospective, observational analysis of electronic medical records from a large, longitudinal, anonymised primary care database with support from the Respiratory Effectiveness GroupThe first comprehensive analysis of the demographic and epidemiological pattern of cough, to measure the healthcare burden in a “real-life” patient setting
Highlight the importance of cough with clinicians working in other respiratory disease areas (e.g. COPD, IPF, non-CF bronchiectasis) as well as with specialists from other clinical fields (gastroenterology, ENT, primary care, speech and language)Explore opportunities to undertake cough-focused analysis of multilevel data obtained by other members of the ERS CRC family (e.g. EMBARC, SHARP, CADSET, Ariane-IPF)
Undertake a survey of how cough presents and is managed by specialists from other clinical fields (gastroenterology, ENT, primary care, speech and language)
A more complete understanding of the clinical impact of cough across respiratory and non-respiratory disease areas, to improve the quality of care for patients
Address the unmet needs in development of new drugs for coughThemed multidisciplinary workshops to address areas of unmet need: 1) refine existing and develop new methods to measure cough and cough hypersensitivity; 2) improve the predictability of human and animal models of cough for target discovery; 3) optimise design of clinical trials of novel anti-tussivesImproved translation of basic science discoveries into clinical success

COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IPF: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; CF: cystic fibrosis; ENT: ear, nose and throat; ERS: European Respiratory Society; CRC: Clinical Research Collaboration; EMBARC: European Multicentre Bronchiectasis Audit and Research Collaboration; SHARP: Severe Heterogeneous Asthma Research collaboration, Patient-centred; CADSET: Chronic Airway Diseases Early Stratification.