Baseline characteristics and clinical variables of enrolled patients: ProCAP trial

General characteristics
 Age years73.0 (56.0–82.0)
 Male93 (62.0)
 BMI kg·m−224.8 (22.2–28.7)
 Smoker32 (21.3)
 Pack-years30.0 (20.0–50.0)
 Diabetes mellitus35 (23.3)
 COPD32 (21.3)
 Asthma3 (2.0)
 Heart failure9 (6.0)
 Coronary artery disease47 (31.3)
 Cerebrovascular disease9 (6.0)
 Renal insufficiency34 (22.7)
 Neoplastic disease23 (15.3)
 Antibiotic pre-treatment31 (20.7)
Clinical variables
 Systolic blood pressure mmHg130.0 (113.0–142.0)
 Heart rate beats·min−196.0 (84.0–108.0)
 Respiratory rate breaths·min−122.0 (18.0–27.0)
 Body temperature (in-ear) °C38.5 (37.7–39.3)
 SIRS points3 (2–4)
 PSI class#
  I, II and III64 (42.7)
  IV and V86 (57.3)
 PSI score#95 (71–115)
Laboratory values
 C-reactive protein mg·L−1135.5 (74.0–216.4)
 Procalcitonin ng·dL−10.4 (0.2–1.4)
 White blood cell count ×109 L−112.8 (9.0–15.4)
 Fasting glucose mmol·L−16.8 (5.8–8.7)

Data are presented as n, median (IQR) or n (%). BMI: body mass index; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SIRS: systemic inflammatory response syndrome; PSI: Pneumonia Severity Index. #: the PSI is a clinical prediction rule to calculate the probability of morbidity and mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia [25]; PSI risk class I corresponds to age ≤50 years and no risk factors (≤50 points), risk class II to <70 points, risk class III to 71–90 points, risk class IV to 91–130 points and risk class V to >130 points.