Summary of four registries assessing risk scores

REVEAL [17–19]Swedish PAH Register [6]COMPERA [7]French Pulmonary Hypertension Network [8]#
Required variables n12–14884
Patients at baseline n271653015881017
Patients at follow-up n252938310941017
Associated PAH includedYesYesYesNo
Definition of low risk≤6 REVEAL score<1.5 average score<1.5 average score3–4 out of 4 low-risk criteria
1-year mortality by risk group (low/intermediate/high) %≤2.6/7.0/≥10.71.0/7.0/26.02.8/9.9/21.21.0/NA/13.0–30.0

PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension; NA: not available. #: incident patients only.