Recommendations and questions for the future direction of research in chronic lung disease (CLD)-associated pulmonary hypertension (PH)

  • Development of better animal models of PH in both COPD and ILD encouraged

    • – Differential molecular mechanisms (parenchymal versus vascular)

    • – Identification of novel molecular targets

  • Novel techniques employing ex vivo cultured human lung tissue to identify the key cellular and molecular drivers of pathological lung and vascular remodelling and for individualised drug testing

    • – (Co-)cultured human pulmonary vascular cells, viable human lung slices, ex vivo grown or iPSC-derived human lung organoids

  • Research into biomarkers for group 3 PH encouraged

    • – Classical circulating peptides, circulating RNA subsets, monocyte/leukocyteomics, volatile exhaled compounds, exhaled “genomic fingerprint”

    • – Shared access to existing biobanks/biosamples from disparate registries, trials including industry-sponsored studies, regulatory agency involvement

  •   – Patients enrolled into future clinical trials should be consented to enable sharing of their biospecimens

  • Clinical variables for enrolment in group 3 clinical trials require more sophisticated “deep phenotyping”

    • – Image phenotyping of parenchymal and vascular changes, novel imaging techniques including CT “vascular morphometry”, SPECT/CT, PET “metabolomics”, four-dimensional MRI, artificial intelligence machine learning (“radiomics”)

  •   – Nature, extent and spatial distribution of the parenchymal and vascular abnormalities

  • Optimal patient phenotype for trials of therapy

    • – Best haemodynamic variable(s) and threshold to define the patient phenotype; evaluation of right ventricular dysfunction for enrolment; extent of permissible parenchymal lung disease?

  •   – Combination of pulmonary function testing, haemodynamic profile and imaging required

  • Clinical trial end-points in PH with underlying lung disease

    • – Phase 2 studies: physiological variables (e.g. right ventricular function, haemodynamics, 6MWT) and biomarkers (e.g. BNP) acceptable

    • – Phase 3 studies: comprehensive patient centric clinical outcomes preferable: composite end-point, time to clinically meaningful change (clinical worsening and/or improvement)

    • – Clinical worsening events may include: mortality, hospitalisation (cardiopulmonary), categorical changes in a functional test (e.g. 6MWT), QoL measures, NYHA Functional Class change, need for supplemental oxygen, disease exacerbation, lung transplantation

  • 6MWT: improve its group 3 informative value (“integrate” distance, deoxygenation, Borg dyspnoea score, heart rate recovery?)

  • Encourage cardiopulmonary exercise testing for more elaborate distinction between respiratory versus circulatory limitation (problem: supplemental oxygen dependency)

  • Haemodynamic assessment while exercising is encouraged and is to be standardised

  • Inclusion spectrum in group 3 in view of different aetiology, molecular pathology and clinical course: “narrow versus broad”?

  • IIP can be studied together with chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis and occupational lung disease

  • Sarcoidosis-PH sufficiently different and should be studied independently

  • COPD-PH should be studied independently

  • CPFE-PH included in ILD-PH studies; permissible provided the extent of their emphysema is not too great; or risk for confounding signal?

  • Studies employing inhaled PH therapies are an attractive option as this may enable better ventilation/perfusion matching and limit systemic side-effects

  • Future studies should focus on the prevention/inhibition/reversal of vascular remodelling in addition to vasodilation CLD-PH

  • Future studies should also target role of the vascular compartment in driving parenchymal abnormalities (“vascular therapy beyond PH”)

  • Further studies of the role of pulmonary rehabilitation (exercise training) in lung disease complicated by PH are encouraged

COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ILD: interstitial lung disease; iPSC: induced pluripotent stem cell; CT: computed tomography; SPECT: single photon emission CT; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; 6MWT: 6-min walk test; BNP: brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA: New York Heart Association; QoL: quality of life; IIP: idiopathic interstitial pneumonia; CPFE: combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema.