Patient demographics, lung function and ventilation magnetic resonance imaging metrics at end-inspiratory tidal volume (EIVT)

All patientsGroup 1Group 2Group 3
Subjects n (% female)32 (53)61214
Age years16.7 (6.4–43.1)10.1 (6.4–16.5)12.7 (8.3–17.4)29.9 (14.9–43.1)*,#
Height cm156.2±17.7137.0±16.1153.7±16.3166.4±11.7*
Weight kg49.7±18.432.8±12.545.1±15.160.9±16.2*
FEV1 z-score−1.8±2.030.5±1.2−0.6±0.7−3.9±0.9*,#
RV/TLC %33.9 (17.8–52.6)23.5 (19.9–26.5)24.9 (17.8–35.3)47.7 (31.6–52.6)*,#
LCI10.0 (6.0–17.8)6.7 (6.0–7.0)7.9 (7.4–10.3)13.3 (8.3–17.8)*,#
Sacin0.14 (0.04–0.55)0.08 (0.04–0.10)0.10 (0.05–0.19)0.30 (0.14–0.55)*,#
LCIsupine9.6 (6.2–20.2)6.9 (6.2–8.3)9.1 (7.0–10.6)14.1 (7.7–20.2)*,#
VDP %14.9 (0.2–45.0)2.7 (0.2–3.3)4.2 (1.5–9.2)29.0 (9.5–45.0)*,#
VHI %15.1 (6.7–22.2)8.9 (6.7–11.3)12.1 (9.3–17.8)20.1 (15.0–22.2)*,#
Largest defect %TCV3.1 (0.03–26.8)0.7 (0.03–1.3)1.2 (0.1–3.5)15.2 (3.8–26.8)*,#
ndefects7 (2–24)16 (9–18)13 (4–24)3 (2–7)*,#

Data are presented as n, median (range) or mean±sd, depending on the distribution of individual metrics. Results are displayed for the whole population and for the three groups of patients. Group 1: patients with normal spirometry and lung clearance index (LCI); group 2: patients with normal spirometry but abnormal LCI; group 3: abnormal spirometry and LCI. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; RV: residual volume; TLC: total lung capacity; Scond: convection-dependent ventilation heterogeneity; Sacin: convection–diffusion-dependent ventilation heterogeneity; VDP: ventilation defect percentage; VHI: ventilation heterogeneity index; TCV: thoracic cavity volume; ndefects: number of defects. *: p<0.05 versus group 1; #: p<0.05 versus group 2.