Prospective change in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and relationship to vitamin D binding protein (VTDB)

UK cohortNHLBI cohort
Subjects n6427136
ΔFEV1 mL per year−32.6±111.2ns24.3±141.4ns−94.7±96.2ns
ΔDLCO mmol·min−1·kPa−1 per year−0.2±0.40ns−0.17±0.23ns−0.23±0.31ns
VTDB µg·mL−1273±96281±105255±53.4

Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. NHLBI: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. #: p-value for Spearman's correlation with serum VTDB. ns: nonsignificant.