Validity appraisal of the nine vicious circle models identified in the systematic literature search

Paths confirmation (confirmed paths#/total hypothesised paths)Model fit
Chi-squared, d.f., p-valueRMSEA (90% CI)CFI
Threshold valueChi-squared/d.f. <2.0 and p≥0.050<0.070 (0.050–0.100)>0.950
 Cooper [5]4/493.1, 6, <0.0010.263 (0.272–0.390)0.138
 Polkey and Moxhan [8]3/430.0, 6, <0.0010.213 (0.141–0.292)0.347
 Cooper [32]8/12303.9, 52, <0.0010.172 (0.154–0.191)0.523
 Reardon et al. [7]3/370.3, 3, <0.0010.327 (0.263–0.395)0.576
 Decramer [33]9/11233.2, 42, <0.0010.176 (0.155–0.198)0.629
 Donaldson et al. [34]1/475.7, 6, <0.0010.235 (0.190–0.284)0.114
 Maltais [35]4/7188.6, 21, <0.0010.195 (0.170–0.221)0.495
 Garcia-Aymerich and Pitta [36]4/7375.4, 21, <0.0010.283 (0.259–0.309)0.098
 Corhay et al. [37]3/5135.0, 5, <0.0010.352 (0.302–0.404)0.161

d.f.: degrees of freedom; RMSEA: root mean square error of approximation; CFI: comparative fit index. #: statistically significant path coefficients in the hypothesised direction/total number of tested paths. Full values in figure 1.