Overview of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-specific mindfulness-based cognitive therapy programme

SessionThemeMindfulness exercisesCognitive exercisesHome work
1“Awareness and automatic pilot”“The raisin exercise”; “The body scan”“The body scan” every day; mindfulness of a routine activity
2“Living in our heads”“Awareness of the heartbeat and the blood flow”“Thoughts and feelings exercise” (noticing connection between thoughts and emotional states); introduction of “the pleasant experiences calendar” (monitoring daily activities and their effects on thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations)“Awareness of the heartbeat and the blood flow” every day; mindfulness of a routine activity; complete “the pleasant experiences calendar”
3“Gathering the scattered mind”“Awareness of the heartbeat, blood flow and body”; “The 3-min breathing space”; “Mindful stretching”Review of “the pleasant experiences calendar”; introduction of “the unpleasant experiences calendar” (monitoring daily activities and their effects on thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations)“Mindful stretching” every day; “the 3-min breathing space” 3 pre-scheduled times per day; complete “the unpleasant experiences calendar”
4“Recognising aversion”“Awareness of the heartbeat, blood flow, body, sounds and thoughts”; “the 3-min breathing space”Review of “the unpleasant experiences calendar”; “automatic thoughts exercise” (noticing negative automatic thoughts and their effects on emotions and bodily sensations, and knowing when to do a 3-min breathing space)“Awareness of the heartbeat, blood flow, body, sounds and thoughts” every day; “the 3-min breathing space” every time something uncomfortable happens
5“Allowing/letting be”“Being with the difficult”; “Walking meditation”; “the 3-min breathing space”“Being with the difficult” every day; “the 3-min breathing space” every time something uncomfortable happens
6“Thoughts are not facts”“Awareness of thought and the emotional reaction”; “the 3-min breathing space”“Mood, thoughts and alternative viewpoints exercise” (our mood can influence how we think about/interpret a situation); “My personal warning system” (noticing personal signals of bad mood and anxiety)Mindfulness exercise of own choice every day; “the 3-min breathing space” every time something uncomfortable happens”; complete “my personal warning system”
7“How can I best take care of myself?”“Awareness of spontaneous reactions of body, emotions, thoughts”; “the 3-min breathing space”Review of “the personal warning system”; “Activities and mood exercise” (noticing connections between daily activities and mood); introduction of “the action plan” (a personal plan how to best schedule activities when emotions threaten to overwhelm”Use the mindfulness exercises that you are planning to use after the programme has ended; complete the personal “action plan”
8“Maintaining and extending new learning”“The body scan”Review of “the action plan”-

The complete manual can be found in the supplementary material.