Different measures of adherence calculated over the 3-month study period with between group and within group comparisons.

Adherence rateMonth 1Month 3
(Bio)feedbackIntensive educationp-value#(Bio)feedbackIntensive educationp-value
Actual rate63±27. 367±26.40.5773±24*63±26.0<0.01
Average adherence from dose counter86±24.792±46.80.2792±15. 879±108.40.20
Attempted rate82±18.778±22.50.1173±26.282±18.10.01
Missed doses18±15.620±18.00.3913±13.118±16.70.22
Technique error rate11±19.28±18.90.3611±13.9*15±22.50.12

Data are presented as mean±sd, unless stated otherwise. #: comparing (bio)feedback and intensive education for month 1; : comparing (bio)feedback and intensive education for month 3. *: p<0.05, comparing month 1 to month 3. Actual rate incorporates time of use, interval between doses and technique of use. Average adherence is the conventional method of calculating adherence with the dose counter. Attempted rate accounts for the number of times a patient tried to use the inhaler, whereas overdoses and missed doses represent the rates of overdoses and missed doses, respectively, for each month. Technique error rate is the rate of inhaler errors made per month.