Baseline characteristics of all recruited patients

All(Bio)feedbackIntensive educationp-value
Subjects n218111107
Age years49.2±16.548.2±17.050.3±15.90.42
Females %6467630.57
Smoking history %0.29
 Never smokers566052
 Current smokers8511
FEV1 L2.2±0.92.2±0.82.1±0.90.75
FEV1 % predicted73.0±22.175.1±20.870.8±23.30.23
FEV1/FVC %66.2±1268.7±1363.7±120.3
IgE IU·L−1467.5±877.6434.7±875.8501.2±884.40.65
Serum eosinophils cells·mL−10.3±0.40.3±0.40.4±0.50.34
Atopy# % patients5755590.76
Short oral steroid courses in the past year3.9±3.44.1±3.73.8±3.20.60
Exacerbations in the past year n4.5±3.54.5±3.74.5±3.30.94
Salmeterol/fluticasone dose % patients0.83
 250 μg353635
 500 μg656465
Use of montelukast % patients3735390.57
Use of LAMA % patients1716170.93
GINA control % patients0.64
 Partly controlled131314
PEF L·min−1376.1±135.5378.8±128.2373.2±143.30.37
PEF % expected81.6±23.582.6±22.880.6±24.30.57
Inhaler Proficiency Score7.5±2.77.6±2.67.5±2.80.70

Data presented as mean±sd, unless stated otherwise. #: atopy status was defined as a positive skin prick test response (wheal 3 mm larger than negative control) or a positive radioallergosorbent test (RAST) result to airborne allergens; : Inhaler Proficiency Score is an inhaler technique 10-point checklist, ranging from 0 to 10, where 10 represents the perfect inhaler technique. BMI: body mass index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; LAMA: long-acting muscarinic antagonist; GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma, AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; ACT: Asthma Control Test; PEF: peak expiratory flow.