Outcome parameters in the usual care and virtual asthma clinic (VAC) groups at 16 months of follow-up

Usual careVACDifference (95% CI)p-value#
SFDs27.3±3.628.5±1.71.23 (0.42–2.04)0.003
C-ACT score22.3±3.923.7±2.81.17 (0.09–2.25)0.03
ACT score21.3±3.322.1±2.90.88 (−0.41–2.16)0.18
FEV1 % pred92.3±14.792.1±13.5−1.01 (−3.60–1.57)0.44
FEV1 z-score−0.68±1.10.52±1.0−0.04 (−2.50–0.16)0.70
FENO ppb30.3±2433.5±31.54.19 (−2.51–10.88)0.22

Data presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. SFD: symptom-free day; (C-)ACT: (Childhood) Asthma Control Test; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FENO: exhaled nitric oxide fraction. #: p-values derived from linear mixed model analysis.