Theme 1: “The body as a hindrance”

Personal hindrances
 Physical“Most housework I can't do. Can't vacuum, I can't do the bathroom or anything like that.” (Nancy, female, 51years)
 Spontaneity“Running around the oval after my little boy. I have to stop, take some medication, give it 5 minutes, then chase him. I can't just go ‘Let's go now!’ you know.” (Stephanie, female, 38years)
 Independence“[I'd like to] enjoy my day, being able to do the things I can't do, and not having to depend on anybody.” (Katherine, female, 59years)
Interpersonal hindrances
 Socialising“People are offended if you say you can't come to a dinner … I guess it's fair to say there's some friends who won't ask me to things [anymore].” (Paul, male, 62years)
 Relationships“He loves camping but I can't go where you can't get phone reception. And the sex [is unattractive due to shortness of breath] … And yeah that relationship, it's gone to crap [sic].” (Casey, female, 48years)
 Parenting“When my kids were young I really couldn't play with them all that much.” (Larry, male, 54years)
Extrapersonal hindrances
 Career choice“I was knocked back [from nursing] due to my asthma. And that would probably have been the hardest thing because it was the only thing I had ever wanted to do.” (Nancy, female, 51years)
 Career discontinuation“There comes a point where you can't do the job anymore so you've got to get out of there and let someone else do the job.” (Larry, male, 54years)
Emotional distress“It's frustrating, upsetting. There's things I really wanted to do and I haven't been able to do … It does make you depressed, because people don't see the sickness that has happened over my life.” (Brenda, female, 53years)
“On some occasions the mind's there and wants to do it but the body can't keep up … and it sort of makes you feel worthless in a way.” (Neil, male, 60years)