Summary of genomic diversity observed within the same clonal lineage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in individual patients

Patient 14715336.35; 261.00 (88–640)15.20; 14.00 (0–35)
Patient 148 (ST17)4451.50; 482.50 (159–654)23.83; 25.50 (6–34)
Patient 148 (ST175)11195.45; 179.00 (79–403)9.27; 5.00 (0–36)
Patient 14914209.01; 206.00 (68–327)11.40; 10.00 (3–28)
  • Data are presented as n or mean; median (range). The number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small insertion and deletion (INDEL) differences between the genomes of contemporary isolates from single sputum samples are presented.