Measurements of local and systemic inflammation on two subgroups of smokers, with and without regional air trapping, data on COPD current smokers are also presented

Smokers with regional air trapping on expiratory scansCOPD current smokers
Subjects n251528
Male/female %44/5660/4054/46
BAL recovery %62.0±9.053±10#45±12+++
Total cell yield ×10689.2±4866.6±27#53.5±34++
BAL cell concentration 106·L−1578±303519±164493±255
BAL macrophages 106·L−1557±291500±157471±250
BAL lymphocytes 106·L−114.0±1114.3±1313.1±9.0
BAL neutrophils 106·L−15.3±6.23.5±3.14.7±4.1
BAL eosinophils 106·L−11.5±3.51.4±2.43.5±9.7
Percentage of CD4+ T-lymphocytes54±1744±1850.0±22
Percentage of CD8+ T-lymphocytes37±1648±1843±23
Ratio of CD4+ and CD8+2.2±2.51.5±2.12.1±2.3
White blood cell counts 109·L−17.4±1.67.5±1.68.0±1.9
Serum high sensitive-CRP g·L−12.1±2.11.6±1.03.1±3.0
Serum orosomucoid g·L−10.83±0.200.71±0.123.8±4.0
Serum haptoglobin g·L−11.3±0.531.0±0.401.5±0.45§§
Serum IgG g·L−18.7±1.79.9±1.9#9.4±1.7
Serum IgA g·L−12.1±0.892.3±0.802.4±0.83

Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; CRP: C-reactive protein. #: p≤0.05 for comparison between smokers with regional air trapping and smokers without; ++: p≤0.01 and +++: p≤0.001 for comparison between COPD and smokers with regional air trapping; and §§: p≤0.01 for comparison between COPD and smokers without regional air trapping.