Work-up scenarios defined for clinical cancer-associated pulmonary embolism classification

Suspected pulmonary embolismUnsuspected pulmonary embolism
With symptomsTruly asymptomatic
Clinical pulmonary embolism suspicionYesNoNo
SettingInpatient or outpatientInpatient or outpatientOutpatient
Intention of clinicians when ordering imaging testsUnscheduled imaging test specifically performed
to depict pulmonary embolism
Either scheduled or unplanned conventional computed tomography scan performed for reasons other than pulmonary embolism suspicionScheduled computed tomography scan performed for reasons other than pulmonary embolism suspicion, usually cancer monitoring
Confirmatory imaging testCTPA or
high probability ventilation/perfusion pulmonary scintigraphy according to the PIOPED criteria [22]
Conventional computed tomography scanConventional computed tomography scan
Clinical findings at pulmonary embolism presentationPresence of symptoms
and/or abnormality in vital signs that led clinicians to depict pulmonary embolism
Presence of new symptoms
and/or abnormality in vital signs potentially attributable to pulmonary embolism
No symptoms suspicious of pulmonary embolism and
vital signs within normal limits [23] including: blood pressure ≥100 mmHg, heart rate <100 beats·min−1 and basal oxygen
saturation ≥95%
  • CTPA: Computed tomography with pulmonary angiography.