General characteristics of population and proportions of subjects with spirometric data below the lower limit of normal (LLN) (i.e. with z-score value < −1.64) and above the upper limit of normal (ULN) (i.e. with z-score value >1.64) in subjects without respiratory disease

MenECSC versus GLIWomenECSC versus GLIMen versus women
Subjects n9041067
Age years53.3±7.152.8±7.30.149
Age categories n (%)0.580
 40–45 years142 (15.7)192 (18.0)
 45–50 years186 (20.6)228 (21.4)
 50–55 years176 (19.5)208 (19.5)
 55–60 years192 (21.4)211 (19.8)
 60–65 years208 (23.0)228 (21.4)
Height (m)0.067 (1.757)0.067 (1.636)<0.001
BMI kg·m²27.3±4.226.0±5.2<0.001
Mean z-scores
Distribution of z-scores n (%)<LLN>ULNECSC versus GLI<LLN>ULNECSC versus GLIMen versus women
 FVC12 (1.3)189 (20.9)4 (0.4)387 (36.3)<0.001
 FEV125 (2.8)110 (12.2)19 (1.8)128 (12.0)0.330
 FEV1/FVC42 (4.6)3 (0.3)62 (5.8)5 (0.5)0.456
 FVC28 (3.1)72 (8.0)¶,***25 (2.3)70 (6.6)¶,***0.268
 FEV145 (5.0)63 (7.0)¶,***47 (4.4)61 (5.7)¶,***0.417
 FEV1/FVC65 (7.2)5 (0.6)¶,***68 (6.4)4 (0.4)¶,*0.644
  • Data are presented as mean±sd or n (%), unless otherwise stated. Z-scores calculated from European Community for Steel and Coal (ECSC) and Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) reference equations. FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s. #: paired t-test between z-scores obtained by ECSC and GLI equations; : Bhapkar's test between distribution of z-scores. *: p<0.05; ***: p<0.001.