Changes in pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) on chest computed tomography (CT)

PatientsPAVM screening#PAVM follow-upIncrease in PAVMEmbolisation
RLS increase
 No RLS to grade 1220NANANA
 Grade 1 to grade 21055+53
 Grade 2 to grade 343443
RLS decrease
 Grade 1 to no RLS50NANANA
 Grade 2 to grade 180NANANA
 Grade 3 to grade 222200
RLS no change
 Grade 1453NANANA
 Grade 2229922
 Grade 3171517106
  • Data are presented as n. Subgroups are stratified according to pulmonary right-to-left shunt (RLS) grade and change during follow-up. Increase in PAVM is defined as increase of feeding artery of largest PAVM and/or presence of new PAVMs. NA: not applicable. #: chest CT advised in all patients; : chest CT advised if pulmonary RLS grade ≥2; +: chest CT performed in eight patients.