Clinical events that occurred during follow-up in patients who did not resume anticoagulation, in relation to the type of index event and D-dimer results

Isolated PEDVT/PE#p-value
D-dimer negativeD-dimer positivep-valueD-dimer negativeD-dimer positivep-value
Overall recurrences n/N (%) (95% CI)13/175 (7.4) (4.3–12.9)27/458 (5.9) (4.1–8.4)0.58
Overall incidence+ n/N (% ppy) (95% CI)13/271.4 (4.8) (2.8–8.0)27/713.6 (3.8) (2.6–5.4)0.47
D-dimer results n (%)146 (83.4)29 (16.6)379 (82.7)79 (17.2)
Total follow-up years226.944.5588.4125.2
Recurrences n (%) (95% CI)8 (5.5) (2.8–10.4)5 (17.2) (7.6–34.5)0.043417 (4.5) (2.8–7.1)10 (12.7) (7.0–21.8)0.0144
Incidence % ppy (95% CI)3.5 (1.8–6.8)11.2 (4.9–23.9)0.05752.9 (1.8–4.6)8.0 (4.4–14.0)0.0186
Recurrence rates n/N (%)
 Events unprovoked6/91 (6.6)3/21 (14.3)15/283 (5.3)6/59 (10.2)
 Events associated with WRF2/55 (3.6)2/8 (25.0)2/96 (2.1)4/20 (20.0)
Recurrent events n
 Isolated PE4211
  • Note that no death could be attributed to a recurrent thrombotic event. PE: pulmonary embolism; DVT: deep vein thrombosis; % ppy: % per patient-year; WRF: weak risk factor. #: patients included in the D-dimer and ULtrasonography in Combination Italian Study (DULCIS) for an index event of DVT with or without PE; : number of events divided by number of patients; +: number of events divided by number of years.