Group demographics

Severe nonsmoking asthmaSmokers and ex-smokers with severe asthma#Mild/moderate nonsmoking asthmaHealthy nonsmoking controlsp-value
Subjects n31111088101
Age years51.01±0.8 (n=311)54.51±1.08 (n=110)41.66±1.65 (n=88)38.85±1.34 (n=101)<0.001
Age at diagnosis years20 (7−38) (n=302)38 (20−48) (n=109)14 (6−32) (n=83)NA<0.001
Females205/311 (66%)56/110 (51%)44/88 (50%)39/101 (39%)<0.001
BMI kg·m−229.11±0.36 (n=311)29.59±0.6 (n=110)25.73±0.47 (n=88)25.31±0.36 (n=101)<0.001
BMI >30 kg·m−2120/311 (38.6%)44/110 (40%)16/88 (18.18%)12/101 (11.88%)<0.001
Serum IgE IU·mL−1119.5 (45−342) (n=302)126 (63−328) (n=104)89.4 (49−244) (n=85)23.45 (9−65) (n=98)<0.001
FEV1 % pred67.5±1.26 (n=308)67.2±1.84 (n=110)89.5±1.86 (n=87)101.76±1.29 (n=101)<0.001
FVC % pred87.2±1.12 (n=308)89.7±1.74 (n=110)104.5±2.02 (n=87)107.8±1.3 (n=101)<0.001
FEV1/FVC ratio0.64±0.01 (n=308)0.61±0.01 (n=110)0.72±0.01 (n=87)0.79±0.01 (n=101)<0.001
Exacerbations in  previous year n2.48±0.13 (n=310)2.55±0.26 (n=110)0.38±0.08 (n=88)NA<0.001
Smoking history  pack-years2 (1−4) (n=47)17.38 (10−26) (n=110)4 (1−4) (n=13)0.9 (0−3) (n=20)<0.001
Intubation (ever)35/307 (11%)6/109 (6%)0/87 (0%)NA0.083
ICU admission (ever)80/307 (26%)18/109 (17%)1/86 (1%)NA<0.001
Atopy test positive213/272 (78.3%)62/87 (71.3%)72/78 (92.3%)36/78 (46.2%)<0.001

Data are presented as mean±se, median (interquartile range) or n/N (%), unless otherwise stated. BMI: body mass index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; ICU: intensive care unit; NA: not applicable. #: 42 current smokers and 68 ex-smokers.