
Severe nonsmoking asthmaSmokers and ex-smokers with severe asthmaMild/moderate nonsmoking asthma
Subjects n31111088
Oral corticosteroid135/295 (45.8%)46/103 (44.7%)0/88 (0%)
Prednisolone (equ.) mg#13.2±0.85 (n=122)14.8±1.81 (n=36)NA (NA)
Inhaled corticosteroids310/311 (99.7%)110/110 (100%)87/88 (98.9%)
Long-acting β-agonist305/309(98.7%)109/110 (99.1%)2/88 (2.3%)
Short-acting β-agonist260/301 (86.3%)82/105 (78.1%)68/88 (77.3%)
Injected corticosteroids19/284 (6.7%)1/97 (1.0%)0/88 (0%)
Mucolytic31/286 (10.8%)18/100 (18.0%)0/88 (0%)
Anti-histamine75/311 (24.1%)16/110 (14.6%)4/88 (4.5%)
Antibiotic (excluding macrolide)11/288 (3.8%)4/98 (4.1%)0/88 (0%)
Macrolide32/311 (10.3%)13/110 (11.8%)0/88 (0%)
Long-acting muscarinic antagonist65/284 (22.9%)27/97 (27.9%)0/88 (0%)
Short-acting muscarinic antagonist127/292 (43.5%)48/104 (46.2%)0/88 (0%)
Omalizumab50/287 (17.4%)16/98 (16.3%)0/88 (0%)
Immunosuppressant9/311 (2.9%)4/110 (3.6%)0/88 (0%)
Leukotriene modifier139/298 (46.6%)45/106 (42.5%)0/88 (0%)
Cromones10/284 (3.5%)2/97 (2.1%)0/88 (0%)
Anti-fungal agent5/311 (1.6%)1/110 (1.0%)0/88 (0%)
Xanthine59/289 (20.4%)21/100 (21.0%)0/88 (0%)
Nebulised β-agonist82/284 (28.9%)24/97 (24.7%)2/88 (2.3%)

Data are presented as n/N (%) or mean±se, unless otherwise stated. NA: not applicable. #: hydrocortisone and triamcinolone doses were converted to equivalent prednisolone dose (four healthy control participants took as required antihistamines).