Asthma quality of life, exacerbations and control

Severe asthma cohortMild/moderate asthma cohortp-valueSevere wheeze cohortMild/moderate wheeze cohortp-value
Patients n97437754
Asthma-related quality of life
  Total mean4.77±0.15 (n=91)5.8±0.19 (n=39)<0.001NANANA
  Total z-score−0.22±0.1 (n=91)0.51±0.14 (n=39)<0.001NANANA
  Symptoms4.57±0.16 (n=91)5.77±0.19 (n=39)<0.001NANANA
  Emotion4.91±0.18 (n=91)6.03±0.19 (n=39)<0.001NANANA
  Activity limitation3.91±0.15 (n=91)4.57±0.19 (n=39)0.012NANANA
  TotalNANANA4.27±0.18 (n=77)6.04±0.18 (n=52)<0.001
  Total z-scoreNANANA−0.46±0.09 (n=77)0.66±0.12 (n=52)<0.001
 Exacerbations in previous year3 (2–5) (n=97)1.05 (0–2) (n=43)<0.0013.91 (1–6) (n=77)1.83 (0–2.8) (n=54)<0.001
Asthma control
 ACT >12 years
  Total15.49±0.63 (n=67)20.25±0.81 (n=24)<0.001NANANA
  Total z-score−0.25±0.12 (n=67)0.69±0.17 (n=24)<0.001NANANA
  Total ≤1950/67 (74.6%)7/24 (29.2%)<0.001NANANA
 Childhood ACT
  Total16.38±0.98 (n=29)19.22±1.01 (n=18)0.06115.2±0.79 (n=41)23±0.67 (n=22)<0.001
  Total z-score−0.26±0.16 (n=29)0.23±0.2 (n=18)0.065−0.47±0.13 (n=41)1.01±0.16 (n=22)<0.001
  Total ≤1919/29 (65.5%)7/18 (38.9%)0.07832/41 (78%)4/22 (18.2%)<0.001
 Combined ACT#
  z-score−0.26±0.1 (n=95)0.47±0.13 (n=41)<0.001−0.47±0.13 (n=41)1.01±0.16 (n=22)<0.001
  • Data are presented as mean±se, median (interquartile range) or n/N (%), unless otherwise stated. p-values were calculated using a Kruskall–Wallis test or Pearson's Chi-squared test. PAQLQ: Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; PACQLQ: Paediatric Asthma Caregiver's Quality of Life Questionnaire; ACT: Asthma Control Test (used for participants >12 years; children aged 4–11 years completed the childhood ACT); NA: not applicable. #: to allow the joint analysis of the ACT and childhood ACT, data were transformed to improve symmetry and then z-scores were calculated.