Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics

Subjects n236
Disease status at recruitment
 Stable221 (94)
 Exacerbated15 (6)
Age years67.4±8.4
Male160 (68)
Primary ethnicity: white231 (98)
Living alone117 (50)
Low socioeconomic status (NS-SEC IV–V)39 (16)
Working status: employed28 (12)
Current smoker43 (18)
Smoking pack-years57.2±40.4
BMI kg·m−227.0±5.5
FFMI kg·m−2#18.1±3.0
FEV1 % pred57.0±20.5
FVC % pred95.6±19.6
FEV1/FVC %46.9±13.2
IC/TLC %#34.3±9.9
RV/TLC %#50.9±11.4
TLCO % pred#59.8±22.7
ATS/ERS stages#
 I: mild (FEV1 ≥80%)34 (15)
 II: moderate (FEV1 <80% and ≥50%)108 (46)
 III: severe (FEV1 <50% and ≥30%)71 (30)
 IV: very severe (FEV1 <30%)22 (9)
6MWD m#427.7±129.3
Quadriceps strength kg#31.8±11.8
Any admissions for COPD exacerbation ever95 (40)
 Coronary heart disease28 (12)
 Any cardiovascular disease or disorder127 (54)
 Diabetes21 (9)
 Musculoskeletal disorders27 (11)
Dyspnoea (mMRC 0–4)1.7 (1.1)
CRQ dyspnoea#4.8 (1.5)
CRQ fatigue#4.3 (1.3)
CRQ emotional#4.9 (1.3)
CRQ mastery#5.3 (1.3)
CCQ total#1.9 (1.1)
CAT#15.1 (8.2)
HADS anxiety#5.6 (4.2)
HADS depression#5.0 (3.4)
  • Data are presented as n, n (%) or mean±sd. NS-SEC: National Statistics Socio-economic Classification; BMI: body mass index; FFMI: fat-free mass index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; IC: inspiratory capacity; TLC: total lung capacity; RV: residual volume: TLCO: transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide; ATS: American Thoracic Society; ERS: European Respiratory Society; 6MWD: 6-min walking distance; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale; CRQ: chronic respiratory questionnaire; CCQ: clinical COPD questionnaire; CAT: COPD assessment test; HADS: hospital anxiety and depression scale. #: some values are missing for certain variables (FFMI n=9, IC/TLC n=15, RV/TLC n=14, TLCO n=8, 6MWD n=3, quadriceps strength n=3, CRQ dyspnoea n=88, CRQ fatigue n=3, CRQ emotional n=3, CRQ mastery n=3, CCQ n=1, CAT n=2, HADS anxiety n=1, HADS depression n=1); : including coronary heart disease.