Comparison of the Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile (MDP) with Dyspnoea-12 (D-12)

Theoretical modelEmpirical divisionDetailsDetailsEmpirical assignment
Refers to how breathing feels at a specific time (e.g. “now” or “when you climbed the stairs yesterday”)Items refer to how breathing feels “these days”
Item ratings use 0–10 scales:
A1 : 0=neutral; 10=unbearable
SQ: 0=none; 10=as intense as I can imagine
A2: 0=none; 10=most I can imagine
Item ratings use four response options: none, mild, moderate or severe
A1IDUnpleasantness or discomfort of your breathing sensations, how bad your breathing feelsMy breathing is uncomfortablePA
SQIDI am not getting enough air, I am smothering, or I feel hunger for airI cannot get enough airPA
My breath does not go in all the wayPA
SQIDMy breathing requires muscle work or effortMy breathing requires more workPA
SQIDI am breathing a lotNo exact match
SQIDMy chest and lungs feel tight or constrictedNo exact match
SQIDMy breathing requires mental effort or concentrationNo exact match
No exact matchI have difficulty catching my breathPA
No exact matchI feel short of breathPA
No exact matchMy breathing is exhaustingPA
A2EDMy breathing sensations make me feel depressedMy breathing makes me feel depressedAA
A2EDMy breathing sensations make me feel anxiousNo exact match
A2EDMy breathing sensations make me feel frustratedNo exact match
A2EDMy breathing sensations make me feel afraidNo exact match
A2EDMy breathing sensations make me feel angryNo exact match
No exact matchMy breathing is distressingAA
No exact matchMy breathing is irritatingAA
No exact matchMy breathing makes me miserableAA
No exact matchMy breathing makes me agitatedAA
  • Assignment of MDP items to components of the theoretical model (A1: immediate unpleasantness; SQ: sensory quality; A2=emotional response) and empirical division in the setting of the emergency department (ID: Immediate Perception Domain; ED: Emotional Response Domain) as well as empirical assignment of D-12 items into two aspects (PA: Physical Aspect; AA: Affective Aspect).