Correlation between chest thin-section CT findings and radial EBUS types for GGO lesions diagnosed by EBUS-GS

Thin-section CT findings
Pure GGOPart-solid (>75% GGO)Part-solid (>50–75% GGO)Part-solid (25–50% GGO)Part-solid (<25% GGO)
Subjects n97293536
EBUS types
 Blizzard#100 (9/9)85.7 (6/7)51.7 (15/29)31.4 (11/35)8.3 (3/36)
 Mixed blizzard0 (0/9)14.3 (1/7)48.3 (14/29)68.6 (24/35)91.7 (33/36)
  • Data are presented as % (n/N), unless otherwise stated. Total n=116. CT: computed tomography; EBUS: endobronchial ultrasound; GGO: ground-glass opacity; EBUS-GS: EBUS with a guide sheath. #: n=44; : n=72.