Table 2– Study patient characteristics
Derivation cohort
Subjects n2874
Clinical characteristics
 Age years median (interquartile range)72 (60–80)
 Age >80 years675 (23)
 Males1122 (39)
Risk factors for VTE
 Cancer#551 (19)
 Recent surgery311 (11)
 Previous VTE424 (15)
 Immobilisation+475 (16)
Comorbid diseases
 COPD381 (13)
 Chronic heart failure212 (7.4)
Clinical symptoms and signs at presentation
 Syncope349 (12)
 Chest pain1170 (41)
 Dyspnoea2062 (72)
 Heart rate ≥110 beats per min§533 (18)
SaO2 <90%ƒ625 (22)
 SBP 90–100 mmHg##156 (5.4)
Simplified PESI
 Low-risk1029 (36)
 High-risk1845 (64)
Imaging and cardiac biomarkers
 Echocardiographic RV dysfunction¶¶,++716 (33)
 CT-assessed RV dysfunction§§,ƒƒ787 (50)
 RV dysfunction¶¶,###,¶¶¶910 (36)
 BNP >100 pg·mL−1+++794 (50)
 Elevated cardiac troponin¶¶,§§§988 (37)
 Insertion of an IVC filter63 (2.2)
  • Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise stated. VTE: venous thromboembolism; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SaO2: arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation; SBP: systolic blood pressure; PESI: Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index; RV: right ventricular; CT: computed tomography; BNP: brain natriuretic peptide; IVC: inferior vena cava. #: active or under treatment in the previous year; : in the previous month; +: nonsurgical patients who had been immobilised (i.e. total bed rest with bathroom privileges) for ≥4 days in the month prior to pulmonary embolism diagnosis; §: n=2743; ƒ: n=2429; ##: n=2742; ¶¶: see definitions, tests and cut-offs for specific studies in table 1; ++: n=2188; §§: defined as right ventricle/left ventricle ratio >1; ƒƒ: n=1571; ###: echocardiogram or CT; ¶¶¶: n=2504; +++: n=1590; §§§: n=2693.