Table 1– Clinical and demographical characteristics of healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) subjects
Age years40.7±10.366.2±10.3<0.001
Weight kg69.0±13.879.1±16.7<0.05
Height cm169±8173±90.068
BMI kg·m−224.1±3.5026.3±4.1<0.05
FVC % pred102.2±12.183.7±13.9<0.001
FEV1 % pred101.0±11.555.2±13.9<0.001
MMEF % pred97.2±18.226.6±11.0<0.001
DLCO % predND57.5±19.4
FRCMBW L3.21±0.814.19±1.27<0.05
Scond L−10.028±0.0260.045±0.034<0.05
Sacin L−10.058±0.0280.343±0.139<0.001
dN2 % N2 per L0.99±0.427.43±5.38<0.001
dN2×VC % N23.82±1.3620.60±6.84<0.001
SIIIDTG g·mol−1·L−1−0.206±0.108−0.653±0.428<0.001
SIIIDTG×VT g·mol−1−0.204±0.091−0.635±0.344<0.001
AUC g·%·mol−116.39±5.3733.04±18.59<0.001
AUC60–90 g·%·mol−12.69±1.526.62±4.92<0.05
Peak g·mol−10.59±0.150.77±0.30<0.001
Peak volume %19.00±3.0823.86±5.09<0.001
FWHM %19.54±7.8236.71±11.64<0.001
  • Data are presented as n or mean±sd. p-values derived from two-sample t-test. BMI: body mass index; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; MMEF: maximal midexpiratory flow; DLCO: diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; FRCMBW: functional residual capacity measured by nitrogen multiple-breath washout; LCI: lung clearance index; Scond: index of conductive ventilation inhomogeneity; VT: tidal volume; Sacin: index of acinar ventilation inhomogeneity; dN2: phase III slope of nitrogen single-breath washout; VC: vital capacity; SIIIDTG: phase III slope of double tracer gas single-breath washout; AUC: area under the curve for double tracer gas single-breathe washout; AUC60–90: area under the curve between 60% and 90% of expired volume for double tracer gas single-breath washout; peak: absolute peak concentration of the double tracer gas single-breath washout signal; peak volume: proportion of exhaled volume at peak; FWHM: full width at half maximum of double tracer gas single-breath washout; ND: not done.