Table 1– Association between lung function and arterial stiffness
Age 5 yearsAge 8 years
Distensibility MPa−1
 Model 1−17.89 (−30.27– −5.50)−17.75 (−28.26– −7.25)
 Model 2−7.67 (−23.34–8.00)−4.04 (−17.56–9.49)
 Model 3−17.48 (−29.94– −5.01)−16.71 (−27.26– −6.17)
 Model 4−17.76 (−30.21– −5.30)−18.35 (−28.94– −7.76)
Elastic modulus kPa
 Model 135.08 (12.60–57.55)47.17 (18.84–75.50)
 Model 219.49 (−8.77–47.75)7.89 (−28.46–44.24)
 Model 335.32 (12.69–57.94)46.44 (17.87–75.02)
 Model 434.43 (11.82–57.05)47.29 (18.85–75.74)
  • Data are presented as linear regression coefficients representing difference in vascular outcomes per litre increase in forced expiratory volume in 1 s based on the imputed datasets. Model 1: no adjustments; model 2: adjusted for age, sex, height and weight; model 3: adjusted for smoke exposure of the mother during pregnancy and 3 months postnatal growth; model 4: adjusted for current smoking of one of the parents, infections and allergy diagnosed by a general practitioner. Bold indicates statistical significance.