Table 7– Differences in subgroup outcomes
Control groupIntervention groupp-value
Direct ICU admissions3642
 Hospital mortality11 (30.6)7 (16.7)0.147
 Need for mechanical ventilation25 (69.4)30 (71.4)0.848
 Need for vasopressors26 (72.2)17 (40.5)0.005
 Hospital length of stay days9 (3.3–16.8)8 (6–16)0.595
 ICU length of stay days3 (2–6.5)4.5 (2–8)0.524
Delayed ICU admissions5526
 Hospital mortality30 (54.5)3 (11.5)<0.001
 Need for mechanical ventilation50 (90.9)17 (65.4)0.005
 Need for vasopressors41 (74.5)6 (23.1)<0.001
 Hospital length of stay days11 (6–19)10.5 (6–17.3)0.584
 ICU length of stay days5 (4–9)4 (3–8)0.346
General ward admissions81108
 Hospital mortality0 (0)0 (0)NA
 Need for mechanical ventilation0 (0)0 (0)NA
 Need for vasopressors0 (0)2 (1.9)0.218
 Hospital length of stay days5 (3–8)4 (3–6)0.024
  • Data are presented as n, n (%) or median (interquartile range), unless otherwise stated. ICU: intensive care unit; NA: not applicable.