Table 1– Advantages and disadvantages of different clinical matrices for biomarker discovery studies in respiratory disease
Type of sampleAdvantagesDisadvantages
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluidCollected from specific area of the lung
Collected under clinical and reproducible conditions
Pre-existing proof of principle in this sample type
Reasonably complex analytical matrix
High salt content
Dilute analytes; often requires concentration before analysis, leading to variability
Difficult to normalise for sample dilution
Possible bias towards leakage of tissue or inflammatory cell components in diseased patients
Collection procedure may cause tissue damage
Not well tolerated as a procedure, particularly in diseased patients
Cannot perform longitudinal sampling
Induced sputum“Natural” biofluid
Internationally recognised SOP for collection
Choice of sample type (i.e. with/without mucolytic agent)
Reasonably complex analytical matrix
High salt content
Difficult to normalise for sample dilution (amylase sometimes used)
Source in the lungs poorly defined
Use of reducing agents can affect analyte characteristics
Presence of cellular and/or bacterial debris
Potential high content of plasma infiltration components, especially in asthma
Salivary contamination during collection
High quantities of mucins affect proteomics readouts
Blood (serum or plasma)Minimally invasive
Easy to collect with standardised protocols
Widely used in proteomics and lipidomics studies, composition relatively well documented
Relatively consistent and easy to define protocol in multicentre studies
Contains a large number of potential targets
Large dynamic range of protein content (∼10 orders of magnitude)
Lipid composition dominated by lipoproteins, possibly masking minor components
Distant from the tissue of interest, so potential bias towards systemic changes in disease
Exhaled breath condensateNoninvasive
Suitable for analysis of non-volatile components
Suitable for longitudinal study
Feasible in children
Metabolomic analysis by NMR spectroscopy validated
Very dilute, often requires concentration steps leading to variability
Potential variability due to differences in droplet dilution
Samples whole airway, difficult to localise changes
Difficult to normalise protein/chemical composition for total content
High variability in sample quality
Relatively few proteins present
Exhaled air volatilesNoninvasive
(Pseudo) real-time
Inexpensive and portable equipment available
Diagnostic accuracies confirmed between independent centres
Data not exchangeable between devices
Samples airways, lungs and systemic volatiles (not specific)
Requires standardisation of sampling and analysis
Easy to collect with standardised protocols
Conducive to longitudinal sampling regimens
Ideal for eicosanoids
Distant from the tissue of interest, so biases towards systemic changes in disease
Excretion of metabolites may be changed by kidney or liver diseases
Lung tissuesCollected from specific area of lung
Reflects local changes
Essential for transcriptomics analysis
Can be combined with immunohistochemistry
Results can be compared to genomic and cytology data
Complex proteome
Difficult to obtain, either post mortem or using bronchoscopy
Contains multiple cellular types, difficult to identify origin of biomarkers
Homogenisation of tissue can be difficult
Limited quantity of tissue
  • SOP: standard operating procedure; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance.