Table 1– Characteristics of cases and controls at inclusion
Males15/30 (50)30/60 (50)
Mean age years17.3 (14.7–19.9)17.4 (15.6–19.2)+0.8
ΔF508/ΔF50816/27 (59.26)34/52 (65.38)0.3
Mean BMI18.4 (17.1–19.7)18.3 (17.6–9.1)§1.0
Mean FEV1 % pred54.4 (46.7–62.1)ƒ64.4 (57.6–71.3)##0.07
Use of pancreatic enzymes#29/29 (100)57/60 (95.0)
Mean concentration of chloride in sweat mmol110.5 (97.7–123.4)¶¶104.7 (94.2–115.3)++0.5
  • Data are presented as n/N (%) or mean (95% confidence interval), unless otherwise stated. BMI: body mass index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted. #: the log-likelihood ratio test was not applicable because there were no nonexposed cases matched to exposed controls; : n=30; +: n=60; §: n=59; ƒ: n=27; ##: n=53; ¶¶: n=26; ++: n=42.