Table 2– Diagnostic classifications
Confirmed or highly probable TB#
  Microbiologically confirmed TB:
  Clinical specimens positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis on solid culture or acid-fast bacilli on microscopy
  Highly probable TB:
  Chest radiograph highly suggestive of active tuberculosis and good clinical response
  Good clinical response and one of following:
  Cervical lymphadenopathy with sinus formation
  Abdominal mass or ascites
  Spinal gibbus
  Clinical picture of meningitis associated with CSF changes consistent with TB meningitis
Possible TB
  Children who did not have confirmed or highly probable TB, but in whom active TB could not be excluded. Includes both children who were and were not put on anti-TB treatment
Not TB
  One of following:
  Spontaneous symptom resolution defined as well-being without TB treatment
  Alternative diagnosis confirmed
Confirmed TB
  Microbiologically confirmed TB by either positive culture or fluorescence microscopy
  • Tuberculosis (TB) classifications in accordance with previous paediatric active TB studies (Liebeschuetz et al. [14], Marais et al. [15], Bamford et al. [16]) and in line with a recent expert panel consensus of clinical case definitions for research in children with suspected active TB [14]. #: confirmed or highly probable TB; for data analysis the combined group of microbiologically confirmed TB and highly probable TB was combined into one group ”Confirmed or highly probable TB”.