Table 1– Clinical characteristics of patients with or without acute lung injury (ALI)
Clinical characteristicsOther patients#Patients with ALI and mechanical ventilationp-value
Patients n (%)13284 (88.4)1738 (11.6)
Patient location at sepsis diagnosis
 Emergency department54.338.1<0.001
Source of infection
 Other infection13.56.2<0.001
Lactate variables
 Obtained on admission83.976.4<0.001
 Lactate mmol·L−12.8 (1.6–4.6)2.6 (1.5–4.5)0.016+
 Lactate >2 mmol·L−1 in <6 h48.138.9<0.001
 Lactate >4 mmol·L−1 in <6 h22.518.6<0.001
 Shock attributable to lactate only5.91.7<0.001
 Lactate >2 mmol·L−1 at any time55.146.1<0.001
 Lactate >4 mmol·L−1 at any time25.521.2<0.001
Baseline acute organ dysfunction
  • Data are presented as % or median (interquartile range), unless otherwise stated. ICU: intensive care unit; UTI: urinary tract infection. #: patients with no ALI and no mechanical ventilation, ALI and no mechanical ventilation, and mechanical ventilation and no ALI; : Pearson’s Chi-squared test; +: Wilcoxon rank-sum test.