Table 4– Values at baseline and after 12 weeks of high-altitude treatment in patients with and without any allergic sensitisation
Sensitised patientsNonsensitised patientsSignificance between groups p-value
Baseline12 weeksp-valueBaseline12 weeksp-value
Subjects n9245
ACQ score#3.1±1.11.7±1.2<0.0013.3±1.01.8±1.0<0.0010.795
AQLQ score4.0±1.05.6±1.0<0.0013.8±1.05.3±1.2<0.0010.939
SNOT-20 score+2.2±0.81.5±0.9<0.0012.2±0.81.7±1.1<0.0010.184
Patients taking OCS45 (49)27 (29)<0.00125 (56)14 (31)<0.0010.515
OCS mg·day−10 (0–110)0 (0–40)<0.0015 (0–75)0 (0–40)<0.0010.568
ICS μg·day−11600 (200–8000)1600 (0–8000)0.2951600 (0–7400)1600 (0–8000)0.1360.620
FEV1 % pred86.9±22.093±20.7<0.00188.6±26.194.4±23.50.0190.87
Total IgE kU·L−1369 (7–5000)224 (6–4682)0.00051 (5–765)40 (5–283)0.5500.044
Blood eosinophils per μL of blood250 (0–1050)220 (50–570)0.022120 (10–560)130 (80–630)0.0370.005
FeNO ppb27 (5–224)18 (1–70)<0.00115 (5–75)16 (6–52)0.3430.009
  • Data are presented as mean±sd, n (%) or median (range), unless otherwise stated. Total immunoglobulin (Ig)E and blood eosinophils at 12 weeks were measured only in 59 sensitised and 20 nonsensitised patients. ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire score; AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire score; SNOT-20: Sino-Nasal Outcome Test; OCS: oral corticosteroids; ICS: inhalation corticosteroids; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted; 6MWD: 6-min walking distance; FeNO: exhaled nitric oxide fraction. #: 0–6, where 0=well controlled; : 1–7, where 7=best quality of life; +: 0–5, where 0=no complaints.