Table 2– Characteristics and different parameter between 21:00 h and 06:00 h of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in groups 1–3
GroupOverall p-value
Sex M/F28/118/09/2NS
Blood typeNS
Age yrs46.0±9.642.9±9.744.2±11.3NS
Differences in time intervals 06:00 and 21:00 h
 VWF:Ag %2.1±34.810.8±22.0-28.1±40.6<0.05
 LMW ratio %-0.27±5.24-4.46±8.6916.69±16.92<0.01
 ADAMTS13:AC %4.4±13.1-8.5±25.92.4±21.4<0.05+
 Plt/Ht ×109·L−1·%−1-0.045±0.036 (n=15)-0.034±0.038 (n=10)-0.043±0.029 (n=6)NS
  • Data are presented as n or mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. M: males; F: females; AHI : apnoea/hypopnea index, ODI3%: oxygen desaturation index ≥3%; vWF:Ag : von Willebrand factor antigen; LMW ratio: the ratio of low molecular weight-VWFMs to total VWFMs; ADAMTS13:AC: a disintegrin-like, metalloproteinase, and thrombospiondin type 1 motifs 13 activity; Plt/Ht: platelet count to haematocrit ratio. NS: not significant. *: p<0.05 between groups 1, 2 and 3; #: p<0.01 between groups 1 and 3; : p<0.01 between groups 1, 2 and 3; +: p<0.05 between group 1 and 2.