Table 3– Imaging and pathology findings
 Pleuroparenchymal thickening in upper zones12/12
  Pleuroparenchymal thickness mm4–15
 Other upper zone changes
  Subjacent fibrosis12/12
  Mean severity of fibrosis#2
 ILD pattern in other zones6/12
  Diffuse PPFE1/12
  NSIP/possible UIP§3/12
  Unclassifiable interstitial pneumoniaƒ1/12
 Other features
  Asbestos-related calcified pleural plaques0/12
 Pleuroparenchymal fibrosis¶¶12/12
  Pleural fibrosis11/12
  Interstitial elastosis12/12
 Other changes
  Bronchocentric IAFE11/12
  Perilobular IAFE6/12
 Co-existent ILD in lower lobes7/7
  IAFE and HP1/7
 Other features
  Venous and arterial intimal fibrosis8/12
  Pleural ossification/calcification0/12
  • Data are presented as n/N or range, unless otherwise stated. ILD: interstitial lung disease; PPFE: pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis; NSIP: nonspecific interstitial pneumonia; UIP: usual interstitial pneumonia; PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension; IAF: intra-alveolar fibrosis; IAFE: intra-alveolar fibrosis and elastosis; HP: hypersensitivity pneumonitis. #: 1, minimal; 2, moderate; 3, severe. : all zones. +: diffuse. §: lower zone, two out of 12; middle/lower zone, one out of 12. ƒ: middle/lower zone. ##: pulmonary/aorta ratio >1. ¶¶: data from upper lobe biopsies in 11 out of 12 patients; one patient had sampling of middle and lower lobes only.