Table 1– Extent to which measured spirometric outcomes from 6- to 19-yr-old Caucasian subjects on average differ from 100% predicted according to different authors
Median %Range %Median %Range %
 Stanojevic et al. [10]All-age + height-0.2-1.7–4.2-0.2-1.3–3.2
 GLI 2012 [2]All-age + height-0.3-2.6–0.9-0.4-1.8–0.8
 Quanjer et al. [9]Age + height-2.7-5.5–2.6-1.5-3.7–4.0
 Hankinson et al. [11]Age + height1.2-5.6–4.5-1.6-5.3–2.2
 Knudson et al. [12]Age + height-0.9-3.0–7.81.2-1.5–7.8
 Polgar et al. [3]Height-3.3-5.8–9.2-6.5-9.8– -2.0
 Rosenthal et al. [5]Height1.3-0.9–9.91.8-0.6–10.7
 Zapletal et al. [7]Height3.1-0.2––14.1
 Wang et al. [4]Height§2.00.4––5.6
 Stanojevic et al. [10]All-age + height-0.3-1.9–1.8-0.7-1.1–1.2
 GLI 2012 [2]All-age + height-0.4-2.2–1.0-0.4-1.5–0.7
 Quanjer et al. [9]Age + height-3.5-6.8–0.6-2.5-6.6–0.9
 Hankinson et al. [11]Age + height-0.4-3.9–3.4-6.1-9.0– -4.3
 Knudson et al. [12]Age + height0.0-2.2–8.40.0-3.4–6.7
 Polgar et al. [3]Height-1.1-3.8–16.9-6.6-9.6– -1.9
 Rosenthal et al. [5]Height-1.0-3.4–5.81.8-0.1–8.4
 Zapletal et al. [7]Height-0.4-2.6–10.80.9-1.1–9.1
 Wang et al. [4]Height§2.8-0.1––5.9
  • Minimum and maximum deviations correspond to the full year age cohorts depicted in figure 1; the median is calculated over the full age range. A positive result means that observed values in the Global Lungs Initiative (GLI) dataset exceed predicted values according to different authors. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity. #: n=13,368; : n=12,953; §: height-based equations for each whole year of age.