Table 1– Demographics
Subjects n17151715
Age* yrs49 (20–68)46 (30–65)60 (46–69)61 (53–69)
Pack-yrs smoking035 (11–57)44 (18–82)50 (18–151)
FEV1/FVC#%82 (71–88)78 (70–96)59 (46–68)62 (38–68)
FEV1% pred107 (86–140)93 (78–125)79 (55–100)83 (55–112)
ΔFEV1%8 (0–30)10 (2–17)
  • Data are presented as median (range), unless otherwise stated. H-N: healthy and nonsmoking controls; S-N: smokers with normal lung function; S-COPD: smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ES-COPD: ex-smokers with COPD; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; % pred: % predicted. #: post-bronchodilator values. *: p<0.05 (nonparametric ANOVA).