Table 3– Complications and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Subjects n2121167
Systemic complications25 (14.3)190 (18.6)0.17
Pulmonary complications24 (14.0)241 (23.6)0.01
 Acute respiratory distress1 (0.6)23 (2.3)0.15
 Empyema0 (0.0)41 (4.0)0.01
 Pleural effusion19 (11.0)168 (16.5)0.07
Septic shock4 (2.3)42 (4.1)0.34
LOS days10.2±8.810.3±9.50.49
Mortality9 (4.2)81 (7.0)0.14
  • Data are presented as n (%) or mean±sd, unless otherwise indicated. p-values in bold indicate statistical significance. LOS: length of hospital stay.