PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Leung, Janice M. AU - Mayo, John AU - Tan, Wan AU - Tammemagi, C. Martin AU - Liu, Geoffrey AU - Peacock, Stuart AU - Shepherd, Frances A. AU - Goffin, John AU - Goss, Glenwood AU - Nicholas, Garth AU - Tremblay, Alain AU - Johnston, Michael AU - Martel, Simon AU - Laberge, Francis AU - Bhatia, Rick AU - Roberts, Heidi AU - Burrowes, Paul AU - Manos, Daria AU - Stewart, Lori AU - Seely, Jean M. AU - Gingras, Michel AU - Pasian, Sergio AU - Tsao, Ming-Sound AU - Lam, Stephen AU - Sin, Don D. ED - TI - Plasma pro-surfactant protein B and lung function decline in smokers AID - 10.1183/09031936.00184214 DP - 2015 Apr 01 TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - 1037--1045 VI - 45 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - Eur Respir J2015 Apr 01; 45 AB - Plasma pro-surfactant protein B (pro-SFTPB) levels have recently been shown to predict the development of lung cancer in current and ex-smokers, but the ability of pro-SFTPB to predict measures of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) severity is unknown. We evaluated the performance characteristics of pro-SFTPB as a biomarker of lung function decline in a population of current and ex-smokers.Plasma pro-SFTPB levels were measured in 2503 current and ex-smokers enrolled in the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study. Linear regression was performed to determine the relationship of pro-SFTPB levels to changes in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) over a 2-year period as well as to baseline FEV1 and the burden of emphysema observed in computed tomography (CT) scans.Plasma pro-SFTPB levels were inversely related to both FEV1 % predicted (p=0.024) and FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC) (p<0.001), and were positively related to the burden of emphysema on CT scans (p<0.001). Higher plasma pro-SFTPB levels were also associated with a more rapid decline in FEV1 at 1 year (p=0.024) and over 2 years of follow-up (p=0.004).Higher plasma pro-SFTPB levels are associated with increased severity of airflow limitation and accelerated decline in lung function. Pro-SFTPB is a promising biomarker for COPD severity and progression.High plasma pro-SFTPB levels are associated with more rapid short-term declines in FEV1 in current and ex-smokers