RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The role of rapid on-site evaluation in the adequacy EBUS-TBNA specimens in the verification of mediastinal lymphadenopathy JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP P2434 VO 44 IS Suppl 58 A1 Kudriashov, Grigorii A1 Vasiliev, Igor A1 Blum, Nataliya A1 Yakushenko, Nikolay A1 Avetisyan, Armen A1 Kozak, Andrey A1 Vetugov, Dmitrii A1 Yablonsky, Peter YR 2014 UL https://publications.ersnet.org//content/44/Suppl_58/P2434.abstract AB Background: Some papers showed the possibility of EBUS-TBNA in the verification of isolated mediastinal lymphadenopathy (Ye T., 2011) Diagnostic accuracy of this method is highly variable in different authors. The relationship of number of lymph node passes and adequacy EBUS-TBNA specimens is significantly (Yarmus L.,2013). The role of EBUS-TBNA with rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) is unknown for verification of isolated mediastinal lymphadenopathy (IML).Aim: To determine the role of ROSE in the adequacy of EBUS-TBNA specimens.Methods: Prospective clinical trial of 25 consecutive patients with IML during 2013. All patients underwent EBUS-TBNA of mediastinal lymph nodes. VATS procedure performed as a gold standard. All specimens underwent morphological, microbiological analysis and PCR. Before procedure patients were separated into 2 groups. ROSE was made in group 1 (13 patients/52%). ROSE was not done in group 2 (12 patients/48%).Results: EBUS-TBNA specimens were accepted pathologically adequate from 13/100% patients in 1 group, from 6/50% patients in 2 group (p<0.05).Conclusion: Performance ROSE is more preferable to increase adequacy of EBUS-TBNA specimens.