RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Role of bronchoscopy in patients with haemoptysis and a normal CT scan JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP P4408 VO 40 IS Suppl 56 A1 Sharma, Shashank A1 Poorghobad, Arash A1 Wood, Michael YR 2012 UL https://publications.ersnet.org//content/40/Suppl_56/P4408.abstract AB Aims and Objectives: To investigate the merits of conducting bronchoscopies in patients with haemoptysis and normal or non-diagnostic CT scan.Methods: Using the in-hospital bronchoscopy reporting tool, a retrospective analysis was carried out of the bronchoscopies performed on patients with haemoptysis but non-diagnostic CT scan.Results: Between September 2008 and December 2011, a total of 450 bronchoscopies were performed. After excluding the patients with CT scan abnormalities which could explain the haemoptysis, medical notes of the remaining 99 patients were analysed. Out of these, 74 patients had a significant smoking history. 79 bronchoscopes were normal with the remaining 20 examinations revealing benign pathologies. No new diagnosis of malignancy was made.View this table:Cross-Tabulation of CT and bronchoscopy resultsConclusions: Results of our study suggest that a normal CT scan examination has a high negative predictive value for lung cancer. Further studies would be beneficial to ascertain the role of bronchoscopy in the investigative pathway of lung cancer in patients with normal CT scan.