PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Hine, Christopher AU - Desai, Maya AU - Sapey, Elizabeth AU - C Davies, Jane AU - Nagakumar, Prasad TI - Comparison of lung clearance index (LCI) in healthy children from a commercial open circuit, nitrogen washout device to data from published studies AID - 10.1183/13993003.congress-2023.PA3986 DP - 2023 Sep 09 TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - PA3986 VI - 62 IP - suppl 67 4099 - 4100 - SO - Eur Respir J2023 Sep 09; 62 AB - Introduction: LCI measures ventilation inhomogeneity with potential to monitor children with a range of lung disease. Datasets from different commercial devices or washout gases cannot be assumed as interchangeable. Data has shown stability of LCI from childhood to adulthood. This study demonstrates normative data from children using one commercial device (ndd EasyOne Pro LAB) with nitrogen multiple breath washout (MBW) Method:A literature search was completed identifying 45 articles reporting results from the device with MBW. Data from healthy children (up to 18 years) was recorded, duplicate datasets removed. 4 studies in children were compiled. We performed LCI using the same device in healthy children aged 6-12 years using recommended MBW procedure Results:72 children performed LCI, mean 7.19 (0.6 SD). This was in keeping with data from similar age groups; mean LCI range 6.78-7.4. Excluding one study with small subject numbers (8), the variation of LCI was similar (SD 0.6-0.63), a potential range of upper limit of normal would exist (8.0-8.5, mean+1.96*SD) Conclusion:To be of value, robust, device and gas specific normative data must be available for the age of intended use. This is challenging given the variety of devices and limited number of specialist centres in which LCI is used with additional variation in acquisition techniques, software and quality control FootnotesCite this article as: European Respiratory Journal 2023; 62: Suppl. 67, PA3986.This abstract was presented at the 2023 ERS International Congress, in session “Inflammatory endotyping: the macrophage across disease areas”.This is an ERS International Congress abstract. No full-text version is available. Further material to accompany this abstract may be available at (ERS member access only).