RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Provision of systematic testing for active TB in refugees at CPSA centers JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP OA1946 DO 10.1183/1393003.congress-2017.OA1946 VO 50 IS suppl 61 A1 Barcellini, Lucia A1 Borroni, Emanuele A1 Stancanelli, Giovanna A1 Tagliani, Elisa A1 Matteelli, Alberto A1 Cacopardo, Bruno A1 Pintaudi, Sergio A1 Cinà, Diana A1 Cirillo, Daniela Maria A1 Leotta, Serena YR 2017 UL https://publications.ersnet.org//content/50/suppl_61/OA1946.abstract AB In Italy over 50% of cases each year occurs in foreign-born persons. Although Tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis and treatment are offered for free to all people reporting to public hospitals regardless of their resident status, symptomatic migrants tend to report late, increasing transmission. We propose a multi-step (screen-test-refer for care) intervention which includes a questionnaire screening followed by on spot sputum collection and Xpert MTB/rif analysis.The TB screening was carried out at the Centro Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo di Mineo in Catania. Two clinicians performed door-to-door visit to screen all the available population for symptoms suggestive of TB by means of a standardized questionnaire. Sputum specimens were collected if any of the symptoms was reported. OMNIgene-sputum was added to the specimen for transport. Sputum samples were tested by smear-microscopy, GeneXpert (G4), XpertMTB/RIF-ULTRA and culture.A total of 1429 refugees agreed to participate in the screening. Out of 1429 patients interviewed 457 (31,9%) reported at least one of the symptoms. Among the 457 patients questionnaire’s positive, 192 underwent to further microbiological investigations. Three samples were culture positive so far, while we detected 4 G4-positive samples (only one of them confirmed by culture) and 12 ULTRA-positive samples (3 with culture confirmation). All the G4 positive samples were positive at ULTRA analysis too. Six of the ULTRA-positive samples scored “trace”.This preliminary set of data showed that ULTRA increases the number of positive from 4 to 12 compared to G4. More data are needed on how to interpret positive at “TRACE” level.