RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 A multicentre randomised controlled trial of inspiratory muscle training for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (IMTCO study) JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP OA2925 DO 10.1183/1393003.congress-2017.OA2925 VO 50 IS suppl 61 A1 Charususin, Noppawan A1 Gosselink, Rik A1 Decramer, Marc A1 McConnell, Alison A1 Demeyer, Heleen A1 Saey, Didier A1 Maltais, Francois A1 Derom, Eric A1 Vermeersch, Stefanie A1 Heijdra, Yvonne A1 Garms, Linda A1 Gloeckl, Rainer A1 Kenn, Klaus A1 Langer, Daniel YR 2017 UL https://publications.ersnet.org//content/50/suppl_61/OA2925.abstract AB Aim: To examine the effects of a well-controlled, high-intensity inspiratory muscle training (IMT) program in combination with a 3-month pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) on functional exercise capacity in COPD patients with inspiratory muscle weakness in a large, multi-centre, randomised controlled trial.Methods: 169 patients (FEV1 41±16%pred.) with low maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax 52±13 cmH2O) were recruited and randomized into an intervention group (IMT ≥50%PImax) or a control group (IMT ≤10%PImax). IMT was performed daily using a tapered flow resistive loading IMT device during PR.Results: Patients in the intervention group achieved larger gains in inspiratory muscle function (both strength and endurance; p<0.001). Clinically relevant and statistically significant improvements in 6MWD were observed in both groups, however, there was no statistically significant difference between groups (p=0.926). Endurance cycling exercise capacity increased significantly more in the intervention group (p=0.048) (Table 1). Intervention Group (n=89)Control Group (n=80)p-value∆ PImax (cmH2O)+22±14+9±10<0.001∆ Endurance breathing time (sec)+353±260+162±221<0.001∆ 6-minute walking distance (meter)+38±49+34±400.926∆ Endurance cycling time (sec)+225±252+163±1990.048Conclusion: Superior improvement in inspiratory muscle function after the addition of IMT to PR program did not translate into additional improvements in 6MWD. However, a larger improvement was observed in endurance cycling time which may be sensitive than the 6MWD for detecting improvements in exercise capacity when studying effects of adjuncts to PR.