RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 French translation and linguistic validation of the QOL-PCD, a quality of life questionnaire for patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD European Respiratory Society SP PA4162 DO 10.1183/13993003.congress-2016.PA4162 VO 48 IS suppl 60 A1 O'Neill, Claire A1 Thouvenin, Guillaume A1 Behan, Laura A1 Habouria, Delphine A1 Corvol, Harriet A1 Clement, Annick A1 Lucas, Jane S. A1 Tamalet, Aline YR 2016 UL https://publications.ersnet.org//content/48/suppl_60/PA4162.abstract AB Introduction: Measuring quality of life has become essential in the evaluation ofpatient's health and treatment outcome. The QOL-PCD is a health-related quality of life measuring instrument specifically designed for adult and pediatric patients with PCD.Originally developed in English, it is now being translated in multiple languages in order to spread its use internationally and improve PCD patients healthcare.Objective: Create the French version of the four QOL-PCD age-appropriate and parent/proxy questionnaires.Methodology: According to international guidelines, the process consists of forward and backward translations followed by pre-testing and cognitive interviews with PCD patients. Participant's comments are analysed to determine whether any item needs to be revised. All steps are reviewed by experts of the QOL-PCD questionnaire developers team.Results: Two independent French translations of the four different questionnaires (average number of items in each questionnaire=42) were made by two French native speakers pediatric pneumologists and a consensus was reached. A back-translation from French to English was made by an English native speaker medical resident, ensuring consistency with the original English version. Each of the translated questionnaires were completed by 5 or 6 participants (total n=22). They found the QOL-PCD questionnaire easy to complete and understand. No major difficulties in item or rating scale comprehension were encountered.Conclusion: The French translation followed a multistep translation methodology resulting in a conceptually equivalent and cross-culturally validated French version of the QOL-PCD questionnaire.